When a Miniature Schnauzer Dances the Can-Can – See What Happens

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Miniature SchnauzerWhen a Miniature Schnauzer dances the Can-Can great excitement can be enjoyed just by watching the action!

Miniature Schnauzer puppies have many talents and are not shy when displaying their abilities, especially in the realm of fun.

What’s better than chasing a rabbit if one can be found to chase?  Or, chasing your sibling around the garden just for the fun of it!  In fact, there is seldom a dull moment when a Miniature Schnauzer puppy is on the scene.

Miniature Schnauzer Puppies Love to Entertain

The Miniature Schnauzer is an expert at entertaining with various noises only a Schnauzer can produce. Mini Schnauzers take pride in their howling noises.  No doubt that’s the wolf in them just warning humans that in spite of their smallness, there is power in that little body.

As household pets, they look cute when they are howling.  But then, Miniature Schnauzer puppies are cute whatever they are doing, except when they misbehave.  But, on occasion, even their misbehaviour can be cute and cause us to be most forgiving.  Anyway, what puppy doesn’t misbehave at some time?

So, What Happens When Miniature Schnauzers Dance the Can-Can?

Who makes the most noise?  I believed it is us, the owners and lovers of Miniature Schnauzers responding with our laughter and applause.  On the other hand, when you watch the video, I doubt that you would agree!

These puppies are so much fun and irresistible when they’re on the move.  I just can’t help laughing when a Miniature Schnauzer performs their act so diligently.

Mini Schnauzers react well to music.  If the music is to the right tempo, a Miniature Schnauzer will likely put her dancing shoes on!

In the video below, you can see Mini Schnauzer puppies performing to the sound of Offenbach’s music, which is so often related to the Can-Can.

I came across the video and couldn’t resist sharing it on this website for visitors to see.

I hope you enjoyed watching those delightful puppies as much as I did.

The only thing missing is the frilly skirt Can-Can dancers wear.  I’m not sure a frilly skirt would have survived the outdoor activity during the dance interval!

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