How to Puppy-Proof Your House & Keep Pup Trouble Free

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how to puppy-proof your house

How to puppy-proof your house is important to consider. Careful planning about how to keep a new puppy safe should be done before he joins the family.

When you plan to adopt a new puppy it is natural for family members to be excited. Excitement is sometimes greater when this is a family’s very first puppy.

Children in a family are sure to dream about the fun they will have with a new puppy.  The excitement of the children is great and normal. However, the focus needs to be on keeping the puppy safe from obstacles that could harm him.

How Will Your Puppy Feel In His New Home?

When it is time to bring a puppy into your home he will not be excited like you and your family. He will have just left his mother and siblings, the only life he has known until now.  As time passes puppy will get to love his new home with you.  But he will need much love and understanding to make him feel he is loved.

In fact, your new puppy will undoubtedly be very nervous and fretful and incidents are almost certain to happen. You will need to cope with these issues. This is a reason you will need to have puppy-proofed your house well in advance of his arrival.

To help you with the puppy-proofing procedure here are some important tips to follow.

Stock Up on a Supply of Cleaning Cloths a Clean Bucket and Quality Disinfectant

It would be wise to talk with your Pet Supply Shop or Veterinary Clinic about disinfectants to remove urinary odour.  Thorough removal of urine is important. If the urine odour remains your puppy will think that this is his toilet area.

With the best of intention on your part to take the puppy to his designated area for potty training, there will in the early days be accidents that you will have to deal with.  Be patient and don’t punish or yell at your puppy because that will disturb him while he is so very young.  Understanding the situation is the better way to manage this issue.

Identify a Sleeping Area for Puppy

It is advisable that your puppy does not sleep in your bedroom unless you want him to sleep with you for the rest of his life.  Naturally, your puppy will be fretful for the first few nights but if you are patient and work through this period he will eventually become the best-behaved puppy in the neighbourhood when it comes to sleeping through the night.  Put a warm blanket in his bed and a soft toy for him to snuggle up to.

Identify Where Puppy Will Have His Meals

Have suitable sized bowls for his food and water and always feed him in the same place.

How to Feed Puppy when He First Comes Home

Feed him the same food as he has been having, at least for the first week or two; you can change it later.  Find out from the breeder/provider of your puppy about the food he has been given prior to you bringing him home.

Declutter Your House

Make sure that there are no small objects at floor level that your puppy can find and try to eat, such as pens, pencils, erasers, rubber bands, clips, pins etc.  He could harm himself if he swallows any of these objects.  Keep shoes, slippers and any items of clothing well out of his reach as he will delight in playing or chewing these articles.

Give Puppy One or Two Toys of His Own

Teach your puppy that these are his toys and help him to learn to play with them.

Keep Electrical Cords Out of Puppy’s Reach

Puppies will chew anything they can get their mouths around. I once knew a Golden Labrador puppy that chewed the electric blanket cord more than once.  It was quite amazing how he would find his way into the bedroom when no one was looking and have a good old ‘chew’.  It’s incredible how he survived – he grew into a lovely adult Labrador, thank goodness!  I certainly don’t recommend that any dog tries this out as they may not be so lucky.

Puppy-Proof All Escape Routes

Your property (or part of your property) needs to be fully fenced with absolutely no gaps in the fence. You can be sure that if there is a gap your puppy will find it and go through to the neighbour’s property, or out onto the road which could prove disastrous.

Closed Doors Are Essential

An open door is a great attraction for your puppy; even a door just slightly opened as he can nose his way around that and escape into the wide-open spaces. Oh, what fun he thinks.  However, it will not be fun for you to attempt to catch him.

Hopefully, your puppy will be safe within your fenced property but what if someone has left the gate open?

So as not to cause concern about your puppy being out of doors alone it is important that all family members, as well as guests, are consistent in keeping doors that lead to the outdoors closed at all times.

Outdoor Hazards

Ensure that outdoor areas are free of hazards such as old paint tins, sharp tools, broken glass etc as these could cause your puppy serious harm.

Also, make sure there are no plants on your property that are poisonous to dogs.   If you are uncertain about any plant it is advisable to check with your garden nursery or look for information on the internet.

There are many more aspects related to bringing your new puppy home and training him to be an obedient and much-loved pet. But, these tips on how to puppy-proof your house should help you, your family and your puppy through the first two to three weeks of your lives together.

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