Bathing Your Miniature Schnauzer

bathing your miniature schnauzer

Bathing your Miniature Schnauzer should be easy. Make sure you have everything you need available and ready at hand, such as towels, shampoo etc.

Unlike humans, dogs should not be bathed daily.

Sometimes you might think that your Miniature Schnauzer needs to have a bath but it is not right to be bathing your dog too often.

So, how Often Should You Bath Your Miniature Schnauzer?

Bathing your Miniature Schnauzer Once a Fortnight is Enough

Your Miniature Schnauzer should not be bathed more than once in two weeks.

In other words, do not bath your Miniature Schnauzer every week. Once every second week is enough bathing for your dog.

Bathing your Miniature Schnauzer too often will dry his skin and can cause irritation that will upset him.  This will make life unpleasant for both of you.  The last thing you need is your dog to be scratching himself because of an itchy skin caused by too much bathing.

Items Needed When Bathing Your Miniature Schnauzer

  • Suitable Bath Tub
  • Shower Spray (if possible)
  • Gentle Dog Shampoo
  • Plenty of Towels
  • Soft Slicker Comb
  • Slicker Brush
  • Hair Dryer

Before Bathing Your Miniature Schnauzer

  • You will need to brush your dog’s hair to find and remove any knots.
  • It is important to remove the knots before wetting your dog’s hair as the knots will be more difficult to get rid of once they become wet.
  • To brush the hair use a soft slicker brush and comb over all of his/her body.
  • When all knots have been removed, then it is time to place your Miniature Schnauzer in the bath tub.

Use Luke Warm Water to Bath Your Miniature Schnauzer

  • Before putting water in the bath tub you may wish to place a towel at the bottom to stop your Miniature Schnauzer from slipping, and making it difficult for you to hold on to him while bathing.
  • Then test the water to make sure it is not too hot, or too cold.
  • When you have placed your dog in the bath of water and have made his fur wet, then it is time to rub the gentle dog shampoo through his hair.
  • Do not put the shampoo near his eyes.
  • Rub the shampoo into his hair from the neck downwards, covering all parts of his body below the neck.
  • Then shampoo your dog’s beard and carefully wash the rest of his head.  See To Wash Your Miniature Schnauzer’s Face below.
  • When you have made sure that your dog’s hair is completely cleaned with the shampoo, thoroughly rinse the shampoo off with lukewarm water. Continue rinsing your dog’s hair until the water from his body is no longer colored.  The water needs to be clear before you stop rinsing.

To Wash Your Miniature Schnauzer’s Face

  • Use a wet cloth to wash your dog’s face, making sure you gently clean around the eyes and ears.  Then use a soft towel to dry the face.
  • Before putting your Miniature Schnauzer in the bathtub, place a cotton ball in each ear to prevent water getting into his ears.  This is particularly important if you are using a shower spray to wet your dog, or rising off the shampoo.

Drying Your Miniature Schnauzer After Bathing

  • Place your dog on a large thick towel that will stop the water from his body running all over the floor or table that you have placed him on.
  • Then towel dry his body to remove all excess water.
  • Hold your Miniature Schnauzer firmly to stop him from shaking himself to get rid of the water he can feel on his body.
  • When all the water is removed from your dog’s body, then dry him / her off with a hair dryer on low to medium heat.

Do not have the dryer on the hottest setting as this could cause discomfort to your Miniature Schnauzer

Watch how well behaved this Miniature Schnauzer is in the bath tub:


When you have completed drying your Miniature Schnauzer he will now be looking fresh and smart.  But if further grooming is required to make him smarter still, then more information can be found on this website by going to Grooming a Miniature Schnauzer.

Grooming A Miniature Schnauzer The Right Way

Grooming a Miniature Schnauzer the Right Way

Updated January 2024

Grooming a Miniature Schnauzer puppy the right way is extremely important to your puppy’s comfort. If the puppy’s hair has been cut incorrectly or damaged through grooming, he will feel miserable. No doubt you won’t be happy either.

In my opinion, the Miniature Schnauzer is an attractive dog breed. The square-shaped build, long beard, moustache and bushy eyebrows make them outstanding in appearance. A well-groomed Miniature Schnauzer is a delight to behold. But, a Miniature Schnauzer that is not well groomed and scruffy is a sorrowful sight.

Unfortunately, there are many cases of neglect regarding the correct care of cleaning and grooming Miniature Schnauzer puppies or older dogs, and the behaviour of these puppies or older dogs is directly affected by this neglect.  So, if you love to see your Miniature Schnauzer looking smart and content, then you must learn, at the very least, the basics of grooming your beloved pet.

Brushing a Miniature Schnauzer the Correct Way

When you take the time to brush your Miniature Schnauzer correctly, his coat will look healthy and shiny. Plus, brushing improves your puppy’s blood circulation and helps with the bonding between you and your puppy.

Of course, the brushing must be done correctly to get the results explained above. And the six steps listed below are what you will need to do to have your Miniature Schnauzer puppy looking smart as well as feeling happy with his freshly groomed coat.

Before you Start Be Sure to Have the Correct Tools for Grooming a Miniature Schnauzer

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Six Steps for Brushing your Miniature Schnauzer Puppy

1. Start by using a slicker brush and brush the opposite way to how the puppy’s hair grows. Brushing this way, you can get all the loose hair out of the coat.

2. After completing the brushing against the way your Miniature Schnauzer’s hair is growing, use a medium or wide-toothed comb. Using this comb will untangle any knots that have formed in the puppy’s coat.

3. When you have finished combing your puppy, then brush again. This time, brush along the hair growth and get through the hair to the puppy’s skin. This should ensure that all hair has been brushed.

4. Now it is time to take the Flea Comb. From the root of the hair, comb through all the hair parting it as you comb. This will remove any fleas your puppy may have and get rid of any tangles and knots that you didn’t get earlier.

5. You might need to use electric clippers on your puppy’s paw pads if they are growing hair. But, be careful only to remove excess hair and do not clip any hair that is growing between his paw pad.

6. To help with getting rid of matting or tangles in your Miniature Schnauzer’s coat, you may find that using Detangle Solution will assist and make the job of grooming easier

Keeping Your Miniature Schnauzer Looking Great and Feeling Happy

Do this method of brushing regularly, so your puppy or older dog does not have to live with matted hair.  

Make sure you don’t let your puppy’s or dog’s coat get into a dirty, tangled or matted state. If this happens, you will have a big job trying to restore your Miniature Schnauzer’s coat to a reasonable condition.  This will cause your puppy or adult dog some unnecessary pain, and grooming will then become a problem.

When you have completed all the brushing of your Miniature Schnauzer, it is an excellent time to give him a bath using some dog shampoo.  This will help him to feel happy.

Give your Miniature Schnauzer puppy or older dog the best grooming you can.  By doing that, you will have a happy pet that continues to be a pleasure to own.

How to Groom a Miniature Schnauzer’s Head

I have included the following video of a Miniature Schnauzer puppy having his head groomed.

Please note the Groomer explains this styling is being done in the way the owner of this Miniature Schnauzer likes it.   This style of grooming a Miniature Schnauzer is NOT for a dog being entered in a Show or Competition.

Now that your beloved Miniature Schnauzer is so beautifully groomed, a fresh new collar to add to your puppy’s delightful appearance may appeal to you.

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