How Much Exercise Does a Miniature Schnauzer Need

How Much Exercise Does a Miniature Schnauzer NeedMiniature Schnauzers are known for their love of activity. They are a feisty breed and therefore not too keen about just sitting around and filling in time doing nothing in particular.

If you are the owner of a Miniature Schnauzer I’m sure you will have experienced your puppy’s mischievous behavior on many occasions.  Most of the mischief of course, being the result of boredom which is natural in a young puppy.

Most young dogs need to be either entertained or provided with some type of activity to stop them from becoming bored.  Of course entertaining a puppy all day long is not possible for most families.  To remedy this, a fully fenced outside area where puppy can get some exercise by exploring is ideal for a Miniature Schnauzer.

Miniature Schnauzer Traits to be Aware Of

As mentioned elsewhere in this website, the Miniature Schnauzer was bred to be a digger and a hunter of rodents.  So, outdoors on your property provides some ideal exercise for your Miniature Schnauzer.  In saying that, you may not be too happy about having your garden dug up. If this is the case, a contained area within your garden may be required.

In Reality –  How Much Exercise Does a Miniature Schnauzer Need?

In a situation where there is a young family and plenty of activity going on, a Miniature Schnauzer puppy would have the benefit of running around and playing with family members.  Therefore, the need for regular walking activity, although important, would be less than a Miniature Schnauzer living with an adult family, and consequently not so much activity in the home.

Ensuring Your Miniature Schnauzer Has Adequate Exercise

In the case of an adult family where less activity happens within the home property, walking your Miniature Schnauzer puppy at least once a day is essential.

Walking a puppy on a leash along the footpath or sidewalk is one way of ensuring adequate exercise.

Additionally, if there is a park near enough to your residence then walking puppy to the park and allowing him to have a run around the park is ideal.

Use of a Long Lead for Exercising Puppy in a Park or Public Reserve

If you do take your Miniature Schnauzer, or another other breed of puppy, to exercise in a park it is essential that you take a long lead.  Puppy can get all the exercise needed by having a long lead attached to his collar.  This gives you full control while at the same time your puppy can frolic and explore the wonders of the outdoors.


Feeling Really Energetic and Ready For Greater Exploration

I recently watched a video of a young Miniature Schnauzer out with his family on a climbing expedition.  I was so intrigued by this adorable young dog that I decided to share the video with you on this website.  Of course, you may have seen this, but if not, I do hope you take the time to watch it now.

This video is proof of just how feisty the adorable Miniature Schnauzer really is.  He just kept on going as though he knew he was about to achieve something wonderful. Not quite Mt Everest, but a wonderful achievement for a young dog.

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