How to Keep a Miniature Schnauzer Dry In Rainy Weather

keep a miniature schnauzer dry in rainy weather

For a Miniature Schnauzer owner, rainy weather raises the question of how to keep your dog dry. This applies to most dogs, other than working dogs, of course. They are hardy and deal quickly with climatic conditions.

Whether a Miniature Schnauzer or any other dog should be kept dry in rainy weather is a matter of choice. Some dog owners encourage their dogs to play outside in the rain and enjoy the muddy puddles.

Alternatively, some dog owners prefer not to have their dog soaked by the rain, nor have muddy paws to deal with when the dog enters back into the house.

Dog owners can choose whether to walk their dogs in the rain. But, it is essential to be aware that even though walking is necessary for exercise, not all dogs can cope with rain. Heavy rain pouring down and saturating the coat can cause dog discomfort. Some dogs can get by with a shower, and this usually depends on their breed.

Consider the Age and Health of your Miniature Schnauzer

Though of small stature, the Miniature Schnauzer is sturdy and usually can cope with rainy weather. But it’s not always a matter of a dog enjoying or disliking the rain. The question of how to keep a Miniature Schnauzer dry in rainy weather is sometimes due to the age or health of a dog.

As they age, some dogs are susceptible to joint stiffness that causes pain. Health conditions such as these should be considered when deciding to walk or not walk a dog in wet weather.

Even in dry weather, if the temperatures are cold, provision should be made to keep a dog warm. This applies not only to being outdoors but also indoors.

Suitable dog clothing is available to protect dogs when walking in the rain. Also, warm jackets will help to keep a dog from suffering cold temperatures.

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Managing Potty Training on Rainy Days

Other than walking a dog for exercise, toileting times must be dealt with. When potty training a young dog, be it a Miniature Schnauzer or any other breed, attention to this training must be regular despite the weather.

As seen above, various rainwear is available for dogs, including leash-type umbrellas. These might be a little cumbersome, but they can be the answer to keeping a dog dry during the potty training period when the puppy decides to take his time in finding the right spot to complete the task!

Whatever the choice, whether it is rain gear or not, walking your dog for exercise needs to be a pleasant experience for both you and your pup. Make it the best you can.

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Cool Dog Tricks Your Miniature Schnauzer Will Love to Learn

cool dog tricks your miniature schnauzer will loveWatching a dog performing tricks is one of the most pleasurable activities to be enjoyed. When it comes to performing tricks Miniature Schnauzers are no exception.  In fact, Miniature Schnauzer dogs are particularly keen on showing off their cool dog tricks.

Because of a dog’s loyalty to their owner, they just love to please and that includes performing tricks they have learned.

Most tricks are taught to dogs, but I once knew a little dog that made up his own tricks.  That little dog was very proud of his tricks and performed them to anyone who cared to join in the fun of watching him.

What Kind of Tricks Are the Best to Teach your Miniature Schnauzer

There are a great number of tricks that can be taught over and above the usual Sit and Stay.

I don’t class Sit and Stay as tricks, although I’m aware that some people do.

 Cool Dog Tricks are actions such as:

  • High Five
  • Begging
  • Shaking Hands (Paws)
  • Standing on hind legs and dancing
  • Rolling Over
  • Taking a Bow
  • Playing Dead

The trick, playing dead, might not sound the best but it is harmless and fun to watch.  The owner of the dog points his finger at the dog and says ‘bang’.  When the dog hears the word ‘bang’ he drops to the ground and lays still.

Another action great to watch is a dog intertwining his body between rows of tall pegs in the ground.  Again, this can be classed as training, as in preparing for a competition or show. It can also be considered a trick, and a valuable trick when it comes to a dog’s concentration and exercise.

Learning Tricks are Important to a Dog’s Development

Setting aside time to teach your Miniature Schnauzer some cool tricks is helpful in respect to your dog’s mental and physical health.

Playing ball games with your dog or young puppy can also be considered as tricks.  Thinking creatively about teaching your dog a certain way of catching a ball, hiding it and finding the ball again can be included in his list of cool dog tricks.

In the video below you can see a young Miniature Schnauzer dog performing her tricks.  I could see how much this dog enjoys the activity.   Her concentration and fitness level are amazing and reveal her desire to please her owner.

I once saw a dog putting his toys into his Toy Box.  It was unbelievable that a dog would be so tidy as to do that.

However, did you watch the video and see the dog placing the rings over the stem of the toy?  If so, perhaps you will agree it is possible to train a dog to put his or her toys away when finished with for the day.

Well, it’s worth a try, and can be considered as another cool dog trick your Miniature Schnauzer loves to perform.

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