Adopting a Miniature Schnauzer Puppy – The Right Choice for You?

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Adopting a Miniature Schnauzer puppy sounds like a great idea, but are you sure this is the right choice for you?

It is pretty likely that you have decided to adopt a Miniature Schnauzer because you have a friend who owns a lovely and irresistible Miniature Schnauzer puppy.

Now I don’t blame you for falling in love with your friend’s puppy and deciding to adopt a Miniature Schnauzer yourself. It’s a good enough recommendation as far as I’m concerned. 

But, a little research on different breeds of dogs is something I consider worthwhile before making a final decision on which puppy is the right one for you.

Remember that you and your puppy will be together for several years, maybe 10 or 15 years. Therefore knowing the various aspects of the kind of dog you are adopting will be very helpful.



Is the Idea of Adopting a Miniature Schnauzer Puppy Yours?

An essential factor to consider is whether adopting a Miniature Schnauzer puppy is your decision. Maybe you agree to a Miniature Schnauzer because it is your children’s wish. But it is vitally important that this puppy is your choice too.

It is almost a certainty the time will come when your children will move away from your home. When this happens, you will become the primary carer for this little puppy. By then, your Miniature Schnauzer will no longer be that ‘little puppy’. He will be a much older dog needing extra care and attention to what a puppy will require at this time in your life.

I remember family members leaving home to study or moving permanently overseas. Consequently, my husband and I became the primary carers of a middle-aged through to elderly dog. It wasn’t that we didn’t love him; we most certainly did love him, and he deserved to receive the attention needed.

As both my husband and I had business commitments, it meant that our dearly loved dog was without companionship for the working hours of Mondays through to Fridays.

Fortunately, our weekends were free to devote time to our dog. Saturdays and Sundays were enjoyable at home with Muffy or taking him out for walks or driving in the car.  

We gave this puppy all the care and love that we could. Still, we consider that his life was not quite the same because he didn’t have those young ones around him to who he had become so loyal and who had played with him daily. 

When I look back, as parents, we were the ones who agreed to adopt this puppy at the time we did, not having the foresight to see ahead. So that is a factor I feel is worth your serious consideration.


Thoughts To Consider Before Adopting Any Breed of Puppy

Before deciding on adopting a Miniature Schnauzer or any breed of puppy, I recommend giving serious thought to what will be necessary immediately and long term, for example:

  • Are you sure about wanting a small breed of dog, such as the Miniature Schnauzer?
  • Is the Miniature Schnauzer temperament suited to the age of your children?
  • Could it be that you would prefer a larger-sized dog?
  • Will your property be suitable for a puppy, e.g. do you have a garden area where he can play?
  • Is the garden area fenced so that he can’t escape?
  • Have you carefully considered the ongoing expenses such as food, toys, veterinary services, including vaccinations, and boarding costs while you are on vacation?
  • Will a family member be at home during the day to care for your puppy?
  • Or will your puppy be left at home alone while the family are at work, school or college? If so, how will he be provided for during the day, especially when young?

The above list includes just some points to bring to your awareness.

Resources to Assist You with Information About Dog Breeds 

If you are still considering which breed of dog would be most suitable to join you and your family, Helena Troy’s Dog Breed book could be of assistance.

1. This book contains information about 50 different dog types.  Unfortunately, the Miniature Schnauzer is omitted.

 Click on the Image to Learn More about this Book   

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2. Some good news is that valuable information about the delightful Miniature Schnauzer can be found on Wikipedia.  This link will take you to Wikipedia and accessible information about Miniature Schnauzers.

3. Modern Dog Magazine is another excellent resource for learning about dog breeds.

Modern Dog Magazine is fascinating as it includes excellent information about various types of dogs within each publication.  

By registering for a free newsletter, you can benefit from helpful information about canines in general.

In addition to the free newsletter, a one-year subscription at a very reasonable cost of just $16 annually will keep you well-informed about life with an adorable canine pet.

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I hope this post is of help to you if and when you decide to bring a puppy into your home.  

There is importance in weighing up anything you may see as a disadvantage of being a pet parent against the pleasure a puppy should add to family life.  

Bringing a puppy into your life will be exciting, should that be your decision.

Whether a Miniature Schnauzer or another wonderful breed, introducing a new puppy into your family will undoubtedly add much pleasure for now and many years.

This article was initially published in February 2016 and updated in April 2023.


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2 thoughts on “Adopting a Miniature Schnauzer Puppy – The Right Choice for You?”

  1. These are great reminders for people thinking about adopting a dog. They apply to any pet though! The same considerations go with cats, rabbits, fish or birds. Kids always want pets but the parents need to be responsible and figure out what kind of pet will really work in the family. Many pets take much more time and effort to keep than children can comprehend! Even a fish tank can require substantial time and effort to clean weekly etc.

    One big problem with dogs is if people think they want a dog but don’t factor in the time to give them exercise. Especially with large or energetic breeds it isn’t fair to get a dog if they are locked up inside or worse yet in a cage all day while the owners are at work or school. Many large dog breeds are built to run and be on the move. There are a few who are calm and don’t require much exercise. People need to do their research before deciding what kind of pet they can keep.

    Thanks for the great reminders!

    • Jessica, you are so correct with regard to the care of all animals. Each type of animal requires a different kind of care. They should not be treated the same as another. As you say, dogs need exercise and some more than others. Whereas cats are happy to be in a comfortable place and enjoy quietness and peace. At the same though, although dogs need and love their exercise, they also need much loving care from family members. Dogs love to be included in games both indoors and outdoors. Being the owner of any type of animal is a responsibility that people need to acknowledge before taking on the role of parent or guardianship

      Thank you for your very insightful comment, Jessica.

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